Sunday, February 3, 2008

Let Them Eat Cake

I love to bake anything. But I think my favorite thing has to be cake. I love making it and creating new flavor combinations, but most of all, I love to eat it. And serve it to guests of course! I'm glad when we have guests because to me that means I have an excuse to create a fabulous cake (or other dessert, I do love all desserts!)
Here are some of my latest creations.
white velvet cake with Jasmine Tea Cream
This cake I created for a contest for an online baking group I belong to. The contest was "ingredients you've never used before in baking". I chose Jasmine. I won! Yay!
White cake with blackberry cream and blackberry buttercream

the middle

This cake I made for a recent dinner party. I had some blackberries in the freezer from Summer I wanted to use (blackberries grow like crazy here, and we have a lot on our property.) I'm glad I did, this cake was really delicious.

Toffee Cake with Mascarpone Cream
This one I made for a party we had around the New Year. This cake was divine. I'll definitely be making it again.

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